Shopping with a Disability
I would like to start 2019 with a positive note and a goal for all service providers in relation to attending disABLED people.
Take a look at this video. My question is: should disabled people really need to find a friend to help them go shopping or should this be a legal right that all service providers ought to offer?
Please give me your views on this and what difficulties you have when you go shopping? Lets start with clothes shopping as in this example.
Let me know if you have a disability or not (and if you do, please tell us what it is so we can relate to it) and what you find most annoying or challenging when you go shopping.
In my case, I cannot stand it when;
- there is no signage or plan to indicate where you are and what department it is… then when you find what you want,
- I cannot stand it when there are no prices on products, clothes, food, gifts, whatever! We all want to be independent, right? Then you need to find someone to tell you the price, which will put most people off buying altogether. Me included!
- I hate big shopping malls or supermarkets as I always get lost in them and cannot find the exit! These ought to be signposted all over the premises, as some users find it claustrophobic and suddenly feel the need to walk out of them.
- And lastly, it really annoys me when departments are moved around on a regular basis, yet the signs and plans are not updated! You waste time looking for a department you knew where it was before and have no other option than to to ask for help.
What experiences have you had that you want to share?
Look forward to your comments.