Commercial and Private Interiors:

This Interior Design project was  for  an I.T. Shop in Angola, the Client was Ecil.

For this client we were given the logo of the company (Ecil) and the brief was to design the interiors of this space. The main focus was security.

Most products, small and large had to be in glass cabinets or with alarm. The plan shows the general layout and circulation within the shop and product distribution.

computer shop design


Here you can see elevations of each of the panels where the products were presented and all the images, chosen by us to go on each panel.2-azinor


Side Elevations for inside and shop window display. Showing height and which products to be shown.



Top floor plan, showing which products were to go where.  As this project was all designed from Portugal, so all the detail was necessary to ensure the project and fitting ran smoothly in Angola.4-azinor-alt


All of the Graphic work had to be labelled so that when they received them they would know exactly where they had to go.



3 Dimentional Renders of what the shop would look like when complete. Renders are very important in any project as it gives a real-life impression of what it will look like.









Interiors for Domestic and Commercial spaces

This is a typical Mood Board that we do for clients to give them an idea of the colours, textures and patterns we are proposing.
